SMBR offers many avenues to support our mission. Each $1 is greatly appreciated and put to good use to support the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of the boxer breed. Donations are welcome as general donations, memorial or honorary donations, veterinary fund donations and in-kind donations. SMBR is recognized as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Service code, therefore all donations are considered tax deductible.
How to Donate
You can easily donate online by credit card or PayPal account or mail a check payable to Southern Magnolia Boxer Rescue to:
Southern Magnolia Boxer Rescue
P.O. Box 289
Becker MS 38825
SMBR is a 100% volunteer based non-profit organization. We rely on the good hearts within the rescue community, regional community and local community. Opportunities to share your talents, expertise and time are available in a variety of forms. Please review our various volunteer opportunities below and feel free to request one, three or all.
Good with Dogs
Fostering, Dog Walking, Transporting
Behind the Scenes
Fundraising, Application Processing, Home Visit, Event Staffing
Share Your Talents
Training, Marketing, Facility Maintenance
Shop to Support
You can also support SMBR by shopping from some of the retailers below.
We are part of the Kroger Community Rewards Program go to http://www.krogercommunityrewards.com and begin enrolling.
Our NPO number is QA670
Within 7-10 days of enrolling, every time an enrolled member, that registers to support SMBR,
shops at Kroger using his or her Kroger Plus Card, we will earn rewards. In addition, once a
household member enrolls his or her card, all linked Kroger Plus Cards within that household
will begin earning funds for SMBR. The process is simple: you shop, using your Kroger Plus
Card, and SMBR receives a reward check each quarter.
We are part of the Grounds Crew. Use this link or the offer code below to order and receive 15% off
Grounds & Hounds then returns a portion of your order to us. Its a win-win!
Our code is: SouthernMBR
BISSELL’s Partners for Pets
SMBR is proud to be a Partner for Pets! BISSELL and LostPetUSA.net have teamed up to help organizations like ours raise money, and now you can help too! When you purchase pet products on bissell.com and enter the code ADOPT at checkout, a portion of your purchase will be donated to our organization!
It’s simple:
- Shop pet products on www.bissell.com
- Enter the code ADOPT at checkout
- Then select our organization!
Learn more at www.bissell.com/partnersforpets.